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B.F. Líndez Vílchez
"LA CONSTRUCCION DE LA MEMORIA DEL PAISAJE", "Congreso Internacional La Cultura y la Ciudad. Imagen y representación de lo urbano. Ciudades históricas y eventos culturales.", None-None, 2015
J.M. Azañón Hernandez, M.E. Puertas García
R. Gallego Sevilla,
"Modelado de Procesos Geológicos Superficiales. El colapso del Cerro del Candado (Málaga, España)", "XIV Reunión Nacional de Cuaternario", None-None, 2015
R. Bravo Pareja, J.L. Pérez-Aparicio
P. Ortiz Rossini,
"Numerical Analysis of Sedimentation Grading Size Distribution Experiment Using the Discrete Element Method", "Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering (CMN 2015)", None-None, 2015
R. Bravo Pareja, J.L. Pérez-Aparicio
P. Ortiz Rossini,
"Numerical Analysis of Sedimentation Grading Size Distribution Experiment Using the Discrete Element Method", "Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering (CMN 2015)", None-None, 2015
E. García Macías, R. Castro Triguero, R. Gallego Sevilla, J. Carretero
M.A. Gómez-Casero Fuentes,
"Operational Modal Analysis and Detection of Non-linear structural behavior of bowstring Arch bridge", "6th International Operational Modal Analysis Conference", None-None, 2015
F. Martínez Soto
"RW2015, The resistance to fatigue of dry asphalt rubber concrete for sub-ballast layer", "Railway Engineering", None-None, 2015
F.J. Suarez Medina
R. Bravo Pareja,
"Structural analysis of the church dome ¿Encarnación¿ in Montefrío, Granada (Spain), the second largest stone dome in the world.", "12th North American Masonry Conference", None-None, 2015
M.A. Gómez-Casero Fuentes, R. Castro Triguero, E. García Macías, R. Gallego Sevilla
J. Cabrera,
"Structural health monitoring of grandstands: A review", "6th International Conference on Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures", None-None, 2015
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024