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Á. Blanca-Hoyos, F.J. Ávila Cruces, M.E. Puertas García
R. Gallego Sevilla,
"Tradición y sostenibilidad en el siglo XXI: estandarización y fabricación de la tapia", "II Congreso Internacional sobre Innovación y Sostenibilidad en la Vivienda Social", None-None, 2023
A.G. Alguacil De La Blanca, L. Morillas Romero
M. Feriche Fernandez-Castanys,
"Ground motion and seismic damage characteristics in the Santa Fe-Atarfe 2021 series", "13th International Workshop on Seismic Microzoning and Risk Reduction", None-None, 2023
M. Pérez-Docampo, D. Escolano-Margarit, M. Feriche Fernandez-Castanys
L. Morillas Romero,
"A GIS based seismic risk scenario of the cities of Santa Fé and Atarfe in Andalucía, Spain", "3rd European Conference On Earthquake Engineering and Seismology", None-None, 2022
L. Ierimonti, I. Venanzi, N. Cavalagli, E. García Macías
F. Ubertini,
"Bayesian-based fusion of monitoring data and visual inspections in monumental structures", "EWSHM 2022: European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring", None-None, 2022
E. García Macías
"Towards automated damage identification of large-scale structures through long-term monitoring", "Seminar in the Masters' Degree Course on MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING OF INFRASTRUCTURES", None-None, 2022
B.F. Líndez Vílchez
"Paisaje cultural urbano e identidad territorial. Cementerio, Medina y Ensanche de Tetuán", "III Congreso Internacional Cultura y Ciudad ¿Arquitectura y Paisaje. Transferencias histo¿ricas. Retos contempora¿neos", None-None, 2022
B.F. Líndez Vílchez
A. Del Cid Mendoza,
"La arquitectura popular en el marco de los programas de movilidad internacional de estudiantes y docentes universitarios.", "I Congreso Internacional de Innovación Docente, Educación y Transferencia del Conocimiento", None-None, 2022
E. García Macías
F. Ubertini,
"Development of Autonomous and Aggregated Structural Health Monitoring Systems of Historic Structures Using Unsupervised Machine Learning", "Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference 2021 and Probabilistic Mechanics & Reliability Conference 2021", None-None, 2021
SICA last updated: 10/01/2024