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E. García Macías
F. Ubertini,
"Development of a software platform for the management of real-time integrated SHM of historic structures", "ISHMII-10 - 10th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure", None-None, 2021
E. García Macías
F. Ubertini,
"Development of Autonomous and Aggregated Structural Health Monitoring Systems of Historic Structures Using Unsupervised Machine Learning", "Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference 2021 and Probabilistic Mechanics & Reliability Conference 2021", None-None, 2021
B.F. Líndez Vílchez
"Dos orillas, un paisaje. Granada y Tetuán, la memoria compartida", "Dos orillas, un paisaje. Granada y tetua¿n, la memoria compartida", None-None, 2021
F.J. Ávila Cruces, M.E. Puertas García
R. Gallego Sevilla,
"Experimental evaluation of the optimum lime content and strength development of lime-stabilized rammed earth", "International Conference on 10th Computational Methods and Experiments in Material and Contact Characterisation", None-None, 2021
F.J. Ávila Cruces, J. Martínez-Ariza, M.E. Puertas García, A. Burgos Núñez
R. Gallego Sevilla,
"Modelos numéricos para la conservación del patrimonio arquitectónico: la Torre de Comares de la Alhambra (Granada)", "International Congress of ICOFORT 2020-21", None-None, 2021
V. Giglioni, E. García Macías, I. Venanzi, L. Ierimonti
F. Ubertini,
"Roc-based performance evaluation of data cleansing techniques for false alarm risk reduction in continuously monitored bridges", "COMPDYN 2021 - 8th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering", None-None, 2021
L. Ierimonti, N. Cavalagli, I. Venanzi, E. García Macías
F. Ubertini,
"A transfer Bayesian learning methodology for structural health monitoring of monumental structures", Engineering Structures, vol.247
, 113089-, 2021
F.J. Ávila Cruces, M.E. Puertas García
R. Gallego Sevilla,
"Characterization of the mechanical and physical properties of unstabilized rammed earth: A review", Construction and Building Materials, vol.270
, 121435-, 2021
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024